Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 21, 2010

2 Months!

I can't believe you are two months old! It seems like just yesterday when you were born. You have grown up so much this month. So here are a few things that we will all want to remember when your 10 and don't like me

* We think you weigh around 10 lbs. (I am putting off your doctor visit until after Thanksgiving)
* You don't roll over LAZY!
* Your hair is falling out and/or you are pulling it out.
* You sleep in your bassinet your boppy pillow on your side.....position is very important.
* You slept until 6 am this week....made momma happy.
* You are teething...lots of drool and you started chewing on a teething ring today.
* You still eat 4 oz...every 4 hours or so...except bed time then you eat 6oz.
* You like your swing but you love your bumpo seat
* You watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse EVERYDAY from your bumpo seat
* No more baby acne!
* The car is ok as long as you fall asleep before it gets
* You had your very first family picture and your first set of Christmas pictures made
* You loved the Christmas lights at Opryland Hotel almost as much as you love the ones on our tree at home

and some pictures:

 @ 2 Months
@ 1 Month

& some Christmas and Family Pictures

w/o a bow :(

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