Hello from the Mountain Time Zone!
We did make it to St. Louis last night.....after a small detour. We would never get lost, not us, I give the best directions ever....lol At any rate we made it, the hotel was ok even with a double bed. We left about 8 this morning for Denver which included crossing the complete states of Missouri and Kansas. Can I tell you that the people in Kansas do not eat! We stopped at three exits trying to find a place to eat and NOTHING! We ended up waiting until just in side the Colorado line and ate a local steak house.
After dinner it was my turn to drive (since I haven't driven since we left Tennessee) I wasn't in the driver seat 10 minutes and got pulled over for doing 43 in a 35. I had no idea the speed limit was 35 in towns at home it is 45. At any rate the officer was super nice and didn't give me a ticket but he sure made me think he was going to!
I also want everyone to know that I love this state! The speed limit on the freeway is 75 so I don't have to speed to feel like I am actually moving. In addition to that.....the roads are amazing! Not that we have bad roads in Tennessee because we don't, but following KY, MO, and KS. Holy cow it was time for a smooth ride........and way here are some pictures from today.....I am sure that I will have more tomorrow, we are heading toward Yellowstone and staying the night in Cody, WY (pray for us....it's a very small area but there weren't any other rooms available.
Just getting started!
Changing from KY to IL
I was going to try to take pics of all the state signs.....that didn't work out so well!
Kansas City
More Kansas
Even More Kansas
This is where my wonderful husband stopped for me to pee.....seriously!
Thought the sky was pretty :)
More to come,
Mrs. Alcorn
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